It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousands words." I believe that a picture that captures a moment is worth so much more. There are things in life that can't be replaced or relived, but a photograph can bring back those feelings in a rush. To me photography is more than just angles and lenses, its about the little things that become unforgettable.

Friday, January 27, 2012

A week behind!




But I have a good reason, I promise! Both Mule and I have been sicker than sick! Its been icky and exhausting… and I’ve pretty much slept most of this week away :(

Day 21 – I have a darn cute puppy!

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Day 22 – I finished an infant sized afghan and slipped outside while there was about 7 minutes of sunshine :)

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Day 23

– Scoot decided that he should climb onto my desk, snatch my BRAND NEW scissors and chew them to bits. I’m still miffed about this!


Day 24 – the beginning of the sickies… Scoot seems to know when I need snuggles :)


Day 25 – Happy Birthday Mule! Let us celebrate with Angry Bird cake, Sinus meds & Cough Syrup!


Day 26 – Midnight birthday request… technically since I took this at like 12:03 on the 26th is day 26 :)


Day 27 – the sun is back out, I only partially feel like death and Mother Nature is screwed right up!



Back on Monday with the weekend pics :) Hoping to actually go out and take some nice shots!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 16 to 20


Yup… behind again… but I don’t think anyone reads this anyways… so no biggie.

Day 16

This picture is actually from the 13th… but I didn’t share it. Mule and I had to go get his glasses and we got to eat at Long John Silvers. Since its about an hour away, its considered a treat around here :)


Day 17:

I made Scoot his very own quilted “bed”. He still prefers to sleep right under my feet when I’m blogging/editing/crafting… but we’re working on that.


Day 18:

Mule was off today … and he had a nap with Scoot. Silly Boys!


Day 19:

The perfect start to what turned out to be a hectic day! And of course this is about as close as I’ll get to snow this year :s


Day 20:

Mule brought this home for me… I think this is his way of saying that I need to organize the spice cupboard… I suppose it is slightly out of control when it takes me 5 minutes to find garlic powder.



I’m gonna try to better, I promise!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 13, 14, 15


It seems as though its easier for me to not post on the weekends and simply play a little catch up for my Monday post. Make my life a little easier :)

Day 13: Friday the 13th

Most people consider this day “unlucky” I was born on a Friday the 13th, and they have been some of the best days of my life. This past Friday was no exception :) Mule ended up being off work and we headed to the “big city” to get him some glasses. And that meant that I also got to do some unexpected shopping. The “big city” is about an hour away, and I only go when I can multi-task the trip, so I don’t get to Hit up Hobby Lobby or Michael's very often

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I got some lovely fabrics among other things. Made me happy!

Day 14: Finishing a Long Forgotten Project

Back in September, my MIL asked me to make her a turquoise necklace. I got half way finished and got distracted. I “discovered” it when cleaning up a neglected crafty corner and finished it up :)

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I love the way it turned out! I may have to whip up another for me ;)


Day 15: Mail on a Sunday?

With the unexpected trip to the “big city” I forgot to get the mail on Friday, and just remembered on my way home from church. Expecting nothing but bills, I was thrilled and surprised when I opened a mystery package!

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I had won a contest back in the early fall, and sue to some unforeseen circumstances the lady who had donated the prize was delayed in getting things in the mail. I had pretty much forgotten about it. I LOVE the headbands and the wristlet! So cute :) and definitely worth the wait!

As long as the weather holds up tomorrow, I am planning in taking the pup for a walk at the community walking trails tomorrow and of course one of my trusty cameras will be keeping me company!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11&12


Day 11:

PHOTOGRAPH with a narrow aperture.
the mountain mode | a large f/ number | all in focus

Mule needed to get his eyes check yesterday, so we spent the bulk of the day in the Optometrists office, and ordering his new glasses. So I wasn’t able to get any photography yesterday. I thought I’d share a picture I took in April on the weekend Mule proposed to me :)


Yes that is in a cemetery. I have a weird fascination with them lol. This one was particularly cool because there were veterans from the Civil War buried in it.


Day 12

12 things | 12 activities | 12 photos

I didn’t get 12 pictures, but I did get 12 handmade cards whipped up! This one is my favorite


I was all out of note cards, and I like to keep a good supply on hand :) Sending and receiving mail is one of my favorite things!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10


Unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate with my ideas for todays inspiration. The only pic I took was a blurry one of my puppy. So instead of skipping a day or stressing out about it, I though I’d share some incredible pictures I’ve stumbled across on Pinterest (please go to my pinterest page to see the original posts about the pictures below)



I have a whole section on pinterest just for photography I find inspiring. Anytime I have a shoot, I go through it to get my creative photography juices flowing :)

Happy Clicking!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A little Catching up… Day 6-9


Day 6:

PHOTOGRAPH framed by a doorway.
a person |  an open space | a view

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I did a Photo Shoot with the *L* Family in November at this same spot. Since then its burned down, almost completely :( I was hoping to get some interesting shots through the doorway, into the open fields beyond, but I still find this picture quite compelling.

Day 7:

PHOTOGRAPH one little word.
yours | in tiles | in a book

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I’m getting married soon (small private ceremony this month and bigger Celebration/party later this year) so 2012 is all about Love!

Day 8:

snow | cereal | parts or pieces

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Living in Texas, this is about as close to snow flakes as I’ll get… unless there is a freak storm like last year. I kind of hope that there will be… just so I can get some pretty pictures! :)

Day 9:

energetic | quick | stimulating


This is Scoot. He follows me pretty much everywhere. He is also by far the most energetic thing in this house :) It was quite rainy today, so we’ve been playing a lot of fetch.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5


Today’s inspiration :

to determine | to transform | to commit


The top thing on my list of resolutions for 2012 is to get more organized so I can stay on top of the things that I need to take care of (house, budget, health etc.) So I purchased a organizer/agenda in pdf format… there sure are a lot of pages…

*taken with my iPhone*

Can’t to get this into its binder and get things sorted out :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4


I have to say… I am loving this 365+1 project! So far it hasn’t seemed like a “burden” and I am finding that I am discovering new things to photograph and being challenged to change perspectives :)


Today’s Inspiration :

PHOTOGRAPH with a wide aperture.
the flower mode | a small f/ number | a blurred background


I was laying under one of the trees in the backyard, looking up and simply thinking, taking the occasional picture when one of the neighbors horse came to check out what I was doing. I already had my Nikon set to a 5 f/stop, so all I had to do was click :)

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As I was walking back into the house, I looked up and saw the Moon beginning to come out… I couldn’t resist :)

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3


Today’s inspiration…

PHOTOGRAPH a fresh perspective.
a view | an outlook | a fruit or vegetable

I went the fruit route… since there was a handy dandy apple on the counter and headed outside :)

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I have a few favorite spots in my backyard for taking pictures. The first being the split rail fence between the neighbors yard and ours, and the second is 2 trees in the back corner. I waited just a little to long to get the best lighting, but they still turned out pretty good.


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To mix it up a bit I went for a different perspective, which was part of today’s inspiration :) And yes I got down and *Dirty* with my apple… and my grey pants have the grass stains to prove it! If only we had snow here… I can just picture the snow covered ground with the apple…….

Then again I’m loving my 60+ degree winter. It’s a nice change for this northern girl!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2!


Woo Hoo! I’m on a roll :) Posting 2 days in a row! Yay me!

Today’s inspiration is …

PHOTOGRAPH ring it in.
tradition | looking forward | resolutions

At the very Top of my list of Resolution list is “working on being a healthier me” and that means EXERCISE… Booooo!!!

So this little man is going to be my walking buddy :)

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He doesn’t exactly sit still… EVER… so his nose is a bit blurry :s

(taken with my iPhone)

He’s the newest member of our family, and such a cutie (when he’s not trying to steal Mule’s tooth picks *weirdo*).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

It’s a New Year!


I know I haven’t posted in a while, and even before then I didn’t post much, but I am planning on changing that this year :)

I am participating in the 365+1 Photo Challenge


The goal is to take at least 1 picture a day and share it. Now I can’t promise that I’ll take a picture every day or that I’ll post them daily, but I will try!  And I might now always use the provide inspiration, I might use photos I take of clients or on my adventures with Mule. But if I miss a day or two I’ll try and catch up :)

Here is day 1:

a street address | written down | on a calendar

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Mule got me this calendar for Christmas… I am kind of obsessed with Tinkerbelle :)


Over the next couple weeks and months I am going to putting in some concentrated effort into developing a client base in my new home town. I’ll be offering discounted sessions, so hopefully I’ll have some new people to to “show" off” soon!

Happy New Year!