It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousands words." I believe that a picture that captures a moment is worth so much more. There are things in life that can't be replaced or relived, but a photograph can bring back those feelings in a rush. To me photography is more than just angles and lenses, its about the little things that become unforgettable.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Photography Challenge–Someone I Love



Since I’ve already posted a couple pics of my fiancé during the challenge. I decided to go with pictures of someone else that I love dearly.

My sister Emily is one of my best friends, occasionally my photographic muse and one HOT chick :) I miss her like crazy and can’t wait until she can come for a visit!

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I decided to put up more than just the “pretty”pics. Em has a wicked sense of humor and usually has my laughing my as off while I’m trying to take her picture.



Taking a break next week for Thanksgiving and the back to the Challenge with a Child Hood Memory :)





  1. She is beautiful and such as great photo "object"! What a personality.

  2. What great shots you were able to capture... Love the tall grass and the river backdrops. Have a nice Holiday...

    Jeanna @

  3. wow! Pretty!
    You remind me of somebody, by the way..
    Ehh, I just can't quite place on it.
    Anyway, you look lovely!
