It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousands words." I believe that a picture that captures a moment is worth so much more. There are things in life that can't be replaced or relived, but a photograph can bring back those feelings in a rush. To me photography is more than just angles and lenses, its about the little things that become unforgettable.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Photography Challenge

This weeks challenge is childhood memories. I was going to skip it. I couldn’t come up with an idea being so far away from home. I don’t really have anything that represents my childhood with me, nor do I have any pictures :(

But then Mule surprised me :) It wasn’t a big surprise, but it instantly took me back to being 8 years old.

Mule had some errands to run and I had a million things to do around the house so he went, and I stayed. When he got back he called me into the kitchen and said “I got you something”. Pulling his hand from behind his back he passed me a chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen. I hadn’t had one since I was 8 or 9 years old :) He was quite pleased with himself, and even though I am trying change my eating habits, I couldn’t refuse his sweet grin.

Of course he shook his head and looked at me as if I were the silliest blonde on earth when I promptly handed it back to him and said “Hold this! I gotta grab my Camera!”

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These aren’t super creative, or highly edited, but that cone in all its chocolate covered glory, made me feel like a kid again. And I think that was the point of this weeks challenge :)