It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousands words." I believe that a picture that captures a moment is worth so much more. There are things in life that can't be replaced or relived, but a photograph can bring back those feelings in a rush. To me photography is more than just angles and lenses, its about the little things that become unforgettable.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 11&12


Day 11:

PHOTOGRAPH with a narrow aperture.
the mountain mode | a large f/ number | all in focus

Mule needed to get his eyes check yesterday, so we spent the bulk of the day in the Optometrists office, and ordering his new glasses. So I wasn’t able to get any photography yesterday. I thought I’d share a picture I took in April on the weekend Mule proposed to me :)


Yes that is in a cemetery. I have a weird fascination with them lol. This one was particularly cool because there were veterans from the Civil War buried in it.


Day 12

12 things | 12 activities | 12 photos

I didn’t get 12 pictures, but I did get 12 handmade cards whipped up! This one is my favorite


I was all out of note cards, and I like to keep a good supply on hand :) Sending and receiving mail is one of my favorite things!

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