It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousands words." I believe that a picture that captures a moment is worth so much more. There are things in life that can't be replaced or relived, but a photograph can bring back those feelings in a rush. To me photography is more than just angles and lenses, its about the little things that become unforgettable.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4


I have to say… I am loving this 365+1 project! So far it hasn’t seemed like a “burden” and I am finding that I am discovering new things to photograph and being challenged to change perspectives :)


Today’s Inspiration :

PHOTOGRAPH with a wide aperture.
the flower mode | a small f/ number | a blurred background


I was laying under one of the trees in the backyard, looking up and simply thinking, taking the occasional picture when one of the neighbors horse came to check out what I was doing. I already had my Nikon set to a 5 f/stop, so all I had to do was click :)

day 4 006

day 4 007

As I was walking back into the house, I looked up and saw the Moon beginning to come out… I couldn’t resist :)

day 4 020

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